Craft Beer Sampler 6 Pack (12oz cans) | a selection of craft beers • 15Sour Sampler 6 Pack (12oz cans)| a selection of some of our favorite sours • 15
NEW! Lupulin 4 Pack (16oz cans) | choose Hooey, CPB, Fashion Mullet, 8 Count IPA or Sampler (one of each) • 15
White Claw 6 Pack (12oz cans) | choose lime, black cherry, raspberry or grapefruit (one flavor per 6 pack) • 12
Domestic 6 Pack (12oz bottles)| choose coors light, michelob golden light or bud light • 10
Shiraz 750 ml | Barossa Valley Estate • 28
Pinot Grigio 750 ml | Alta Luna • 28
Sauvignon Blanc 750 ml | Oyster Bay • 28
Riesling 750 ml | Chateau Ste Michelle • 28
White Zinfandel 750 ml | Stone Cellars • 24